
10 Aug 2012

Sex Selection and Violence Against Women Administered

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Women and Child Development are both fighting the social evil of gender biased sex selection and violence against women. 
To reflect the resolve of the two Ministries with the issue and to do their utmost to preserve, protect and nurture the girl child, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Minister of Health and Family Welfare and Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister of State (Independent Charge), Women and Child Development administered a common pledge to all officers of both Ministries in New Delhi today. 
The pledge was as follows: 

“Recognising that the Constitution of India guarantees the rights and freedoms of men and women equally without any barrier, bias, or discrimination and the same are threatened by the illegal and damaging practice of gender biased sex selection; 
WE, the public servants of India, hereby take a solemn pledge today that we shall act in all possible ways individually and collectively to ELIMINATE gender biased sex selection that threatens the birth and survival of the girl child; 
AND ENSURE that girls are born, loved and nurtured and grow up to become empowered citizens of our country. 

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