
10 Aug 2012

MNRE Fast Tracking New and Renewable Energy Technologies in the Country

In an attempt to give a boost to new and innovative technologies in the field of new and renewable energy applications,the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) organized a two-day “R&D Conclave on New and Renewable Energy-Prospects for Cross-Cutting Technologies” from 9-10th August, 2012 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi.
The Minister for MNRE, Dr. Farooq Abdullah, while inaugurated the workshop said that the vision of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is to develop new and renewable energy technologies, process, materials, components, sub-systems, product and services at par with international specifications, standards and performance parameters, and deploy such indigenously developed and manufactured products and services in furtherance of the national goals of energy security and energy independence. A large broad-spectrum programme covering the entire range of new and renewable energies is implemented in the country. He placed special emphasis on developing reliable storage technologies and doing directed research that would improve the lives of people. 
Speaking on the need for going for research to cut costs, Dr.Chaidambaram, Principal Scientific Adviser to Government of India gave the example of polysilicon produced at economical cost will be critical to the development of solar power in India. 
Shri B.K.Chaturvedi, Member (Energy), Planning Commission said that the Planning Commission is supporting faster development and deployment of renewable energy technologies in the country. The 11th Five Year Plan witnessed an impressive progress in research and development and deployment in renewable energy sector. It may be mentioned that MNRE has sponsored 169 R&D projects in the area of solar energy, bio-energy and hydrogen and fuel cells with a total outlay of about Rs.525 crore. He said that renewables contributed to nearly 14,660 MW power during the 11th Plan and they will become more important in future. 
Shri Gireesh Pradhan, Secretary of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy expressed the view that
research should be directed towards application and deployment. Only then will renewable energy improve the lives of people. He told the gathering that the outlay for R&D activities in the Ministry per year is presently around Rs.600 crore which is expected to be doubled in the 12th Five Year Plan. 
A Compendium on on-going R&D projects was released on the occasion by Hon’ble Minister of New and Renewable Energy, Dr.Farooq Abdullah. The objective of the Conclave is to present the on-going R&D projects funded by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and to seek the views of related stakeholders for faster development of renewable energy technologies in the country. 
The two-day Conclave is being attended by policy makers from relevant government departments , experts from R&D institutions , industries, eminent scientists and technologists from all over the country. In all, nineteen scientists will present the outcomes and results for their projects over the next two days. The discussion during the sessions, which focus on solar photovoltaic and solar thermal, new fuels and bio-energy technologies, will provide an insight into possible projects to be taken up in the 12th Plan. 

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