
19 Aug 2012

searching a suitable life partner with the help of a Newspaper Matrimonial Classified Advertisement

Author: Pradeep chaudhary
Good search for a suitable life partner can be done with the help of a well circulated newspaper of the area.
The following tips can help you.
Find out a well circulated  state level  newspaper of that area.
Check the rate card for matrimonial advertisement of that publication.
Most of the newspapers are publishing various editions,you can ask the concerning person for multi-edition publications,it will help you to save money because they provide rebate for multi-edition publication.

Keep in mind rates for classified advt.are charged @ per word.
Try to Prepare a well under-standing and shortest advertisement matter,it will help to cut the cost.
Give a suitable category to your matter.such as-- WANTED BRIDE,WANTED GROOM, WANTED SUITABLE MATCH etc.
Do not forget to give a required field. such as--MANGLIK, NON-MANGLIK,DEVORCEE, WIDOW/WIDOER etc.
Also mention -- CAST NO BAR, NO DOWRY as per your requirement.
Mention required qualifications of  WANTED BRIDE or WANTED GROOM.
Now a days most of the reputed newspapers are also publishing their Internet publication ( known as epaper)In various languages - in India....Hindi and English.example.- www.page3news.in is a good option in Hindi newspaper for uttrakhand/uttranchal state.
It is good to catch these type of publications,because they are publishing your advertisement  on Internet  without extra charge.it will  broaden your search area.
You can  also  check your published advertisement any where in the world.
 While sitting at home or office or even on the move ,You can  search & book online advertisement  on Internet enabled  PC or LAPTOP. www.page3news.in is also providing all these facility.
They  also provide various types of  online payment facility.
Hope these tips will help you to search a suitable match for your loving one.
Article Source: articlesbase.com
About the Author
Author belongs to print media in India for last twenty years.
Tags-dating in india,indian matrimonial,life partner,wanted bride,wanted groom,wanted suitable match,wanted well educated life partner,professionally qualified match.

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