
10 Aug 2012

International Geological Congress to be held in India in 2020

The 36th International Geological Congress will come to India in 2020 after a period of 56 years. The last International Geological Congress was held in India in 1964 in Delhi. Dr. Vishwapati Trivedi, Secretary, Ministry of Mines today presented the bid before the International Union of Geological Science (IUGS) Council consisting of 121 member countries and 128 votes were cast in favour of India against 51 votes to Canada, which had offered Vancouver as the venue of IGC 2020. 
Dr. Vishwapati Trivedi, Secretary, Ministry of Mines led a delegation to participate in 34th International Geological Congress (IGC) being held in Brisbane from 5th August to 10th August, 2012. 
The Indian bid got an overwhelming positive response from the member-countries of all continents and Secretary, Ministry of Mines has assured the Council that IGC 2020 in India will be unprecedented Congress in the history of International Geological Congress. International Geological Congress is held every four years and it is an Olympic of International Geoscience fraternity. 

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