
10 Aug 2012

Amendments in AIBP

The Union Government provides Central Assistance (CA) under Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Programme (AIBP) to the States as per guidelines for completion of ongoing projects. 
The guidelines for AIBP funding are being revised from time to time in order to enhance the scope of funding as well as to allow special consideration for the regions lagging behind in development. The parri passu implementation of Command Area Development with AIBP, changes in quantum of Central Assistance (CA), simplification of the procedure for approval for the projects are among the suggested reforms in the proposals for XII Plan. 
As per the latest amendments to AIBP guidelines made in December 2006, the condition that an ongoing project has to be completed before inclusion of a new project under AIBP has been relaxed for projects benefitting states with lower irrigation development as compared to national average. 
This information was given by the Minister of State for Water Resources & Minority Affairs Shri Vincent H. Pala in a written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today. 

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