
8 Jul 2012

Progress on landownership process given to the lease holders under Government Grant Act 1895 would be regularly monitored.

Chairman, State Revenue Board, Subhash Kumar said that the progress on landownership process given to the lease holders under Government Grant Act 1895 would be regularly monitored. He directed all the District Magistrates to submit reports on the progress of the process to State Revenue Board on monthly basis.
The DMs had been provided with the formats in which the details had to be filled by them in this regard. In the given format they have to indicate the total number of applications received, how many had been granted ownership and how many applications were being examined.
Mr. Kumar directed the officers concerned to ensure that the Government Order was followed ad litteram. He also directed the Commissioners of Garhwal and Kumaon Region to monitor the progress along with the District Magistrates. Mr. Kumar said that the progress would also be monitored on Revenue Board level and inform about it to the Government and the Revenue Minister.

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