
9 May 2012

Upscaling Schemes for Infrastructure Development in Food Processing Sector

Based on the report of Working Group, the Infrastructural Development Scheme for Mega Food Park, Cold Chains and Abattoirs has been proposed to be continued in the 12th plan with proposal for expansion of the scheme during 12th Plan. Plan document has been submitted to the Planning Commission for consideration and approval. The Budget Allocation (BE) for various components of the scheme during the year 2012-13 areas under: -

1.      Mega Food Park Scheme                                :           Rs. 86.00 Crore

2.      Cold Chain, Value Addition &                      :           Rs. 86.00 Crore
Preservation Infrastructure Scheme

3.      Setting up of New Abattoirs and                   :           Rs. 19.00 Crore
Modernization of Existing Abattoirs

      This information was given by the Minister of State for Food Processing Industries, Dr. Charan Das Mahant in a written reply in the Lok Sabhatoday.

MP: SB:CPinfrastrcture (lok) 8.5.2012

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