Vice President Presents International Gandhi Awards-2011 to Dr. Claire Velut & Dr. J.D. Samant- PM's speech at the banquet hosted by President of Myanmar
- Statement to Media by Prime Minister after meeting Daw Aung San Suu Kyi
- Prime Minister's address to the think-tanks, intellectuals and Business Community in Yangon
- Need To Redefine Litercy: Shri Kapil Sibal
4th International Policy Dialogue Forum on Teacher Challenges for EFA Inaugurated - 25 FDI Proposals Amounting to Rs. 2973.40 Crore Approved
- FM to Inaugurate Pratyaksh Kar Bhawan Tomorrow
- Auction For Sale of Government Stocks
- Government agrees that there is a need to support Textiles Industry at this time of crisis
- International Crude Oil Price of Indian Basket Increases on 28.05.2012 to US$ 105.73/bbl; Declines in Rupee Terms
- Maharashtra Plan for 2012-13 Finalized
- Madhya Pradesh Projects Get One Year Extension
- Railway revenue earnings up by 19.13 per cent during the period 11th to 20th May 2012
- Civil Aviation Minister's offer not honoured by striking pilots
Erstwhile IPG insists on its demands - Civil Aviation Minister meets Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
Development of Airports under PPP Mode discussed - Antony Congratulates Services Team on Lifting the Santosh Trophy
- Vice Admiral Pradeep K Chatterjee takes over as Deputy Chief of Naval Staff
First ever Submariner Deputy Chief of Naval Staff - Funds provided under JNNURM for construction of houses in Gujarat
- Shri Ghatowar Addresses Conference of Social Welfare Ministers of North Eastern States
- SARRC Countries Share Initiatives Taken to Eliminate Violence Against Children
- SAIEVAC Regional Meet on Ending Violence Against Children Begins
- Saievac Regional meet on Ending Violence Against Children Begins
- Financial and Physical Achievements of the Ministry of Minority Affairs during 11th Plan and Financial Year 2011-12
- Guidelines for Declaring a Financial Institution as Public Financial Institution Under Section 4a of the Companies Act, 1956
- Achievevment of Ministry of Earth Sciences
30 May 2012
Latest Releases from PIB -29/05/2012
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