
21 Apr 2012

Working Group on Tourism Proposes Wide Ranging Strategies Emphasis on Skill Development and Capacity Building

20-April-2012:-(pib)The Working Group on Tourism constituted by the Planning Commission for the 12th Five Year Plan has proposed wide-ranging strategies. As per these strategies, there will be increased emphasis on skill development and capacity building for bridging the huge gap in demand and supply in skilled manpower in the hospitality sector. 

For developing tourism infrastructure based on carrying capacity and sustainability principles, professional agencies will be employed. Infrastructure gap in tourism destinations and circuits will be systematically covered. Greater emphasis on creating rural tourism clusters and tourism parks by adopting strategies based on convergences of resources will be specially emphasized upon. For promoting the brand of “Incredible India” publicity and promotional programmes of the Ministry will be made product specific, country specific and destination specific. Appointment of India Tourism Representative Offices will contribute in a big way in attracting larger number of foreign tourists. There will be focused emphasis on promoting tourism which is sustainable by adopting carrying capacity studies specially in environmentally sensitive areas. There will more attention on promoting niche tourism products, attempting greater convergence amongst different stakeholders and rationalisation of taxes in tourism sector. 

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