
21 Apr 2012

Over Rs.11 Crore Released to Delhi & Jawaharlal Nehru Universities to Make their Premises Accessible to Persons With Disabilities

20-April-2012:-( PIB )-The Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, casts an obligation on appropriate governments and local authorities to, among other things, make public buildings and their campuses, accessible to persons with disabilities – e.g. by providing ramps, toilets for wheel chair users, Braille signage’s, new elevators, auditory signals in existing elevators, tactile tiles etc. 

Accessibility for persons with disabilities is also one of the core provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which came into force in May, 2008. 

The Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment has been, over the years, giving financial assistance to State Governments, Universities, etc. for implementing provisions of the above Act. 

In March 2012, grants of Rs.11.6 crore have been released by the Ministry to the Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru Universities to make their buildings, accessible to persons with disabilities. Of this, Rs.8.51 crore has been released to JNU for accessibility-related works in its 62 buildings, including administrative and academic blocks, the Central Library, 18 hostels and 3 guest houses. 

Similarly, a grant of Rs.3.11 crore has been released to Delhi University to make 80 buildings in its North and South Campuses, including administrative and academic blocks, Conference Centre, libraries, hostels and 2 guest houses accessible. 

Other Central Universities and Central Educational Institutions will also be similarly supported, in a phased manner, to make their premises accessible. 

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